Unlock your Legacy Data!

The Problem

You have no tool that can connect third-party applications with legacy BBX«; and PRO/5Ö data. Currently, you have to write a BBX or PRO/5 front-end application and train your users on it. Third-party applications could provide the leverage necessary to remain competitive without extensive re-engineering and retraining.
BASIS ODBC data sharing

The Solution

The BASIS ODBC DriverÖ gives you the power of personal query tools familiar to the end-user. No need to build your own reporting tools, and no end-user training ù they can use their favorite applications.
Using a standard API adopted by over 140 software vendors, the BASIS ODBC Driver provides a thin layer of interactivity between Windows applications (spreadsheets, report writers, charting tools, etc.) and a variety of BBX and PRO/5 databases. ODBC gives you the ability to send SQL queries from your favorite productivity tools to your existing BBX or PRO/5 data source, manipulate the data in your applications, and then send the changes back to the data source.




    Data Source:
Normalized data in a BASIS Data Dictionary
    ODBC Driver:
A copy of the BASIS ODBC Driver must be installed on each PC
Access legacy UNIX data by providing the server path in the data definition and setting up a PRO/5 Data Server on the UNIX side
Install the BASIS ODBC Driver and attach your ODBC compliant tool to the BBX data source

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